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公主日记1、2经典对白(翻译成中文)(公主日记1 剧本台词)

  • alice2013许alice2013许
  • 影视
  • 2022-12-29 09:37:29
  • -
To be a princess, you have to believe that you are a princess. You've gotto walk the way you think a princess would walk. So, think tall,you gotta smile,and wave,and just have fun
For a queen,I was expected to say that you shouldn't have done this.Butfor a granny,I would rather to say that you did a good job
My expectation in life is to be invisible and I am good at it.
I am still waiting for formal body parts to arrive.
Courage is not the absence of fear but rather the judgment than somethingelse is more important than fear. The brave may not live forever but thecautious did not live at all. From now on ,you will be traveling the road,between who you think you are and who you can be .
The promise of tomorrow hung in the air.
This is not my day.
You being a princess is kind of miracle.
Wanting to rock the world but having zip power like me.
You are royal by blood.你是皇家的血脉。
It costs to be cool它的成本要冷静
I will do some labor free.我会做一些劳动力自由。 Mia:今天晚上晚上早些时候,我有每一个放弃我的向王位要求的意图为了我的整个活命和我的母亲通过告诉我它是表示同意的和通过就象她有,支持我帮我.不过我惊讶怎样在放弃我的作为公主Genovia的作用之后感觉.我将感觉到宽慰或者我将感觉到凄惨吗?然后我意识到多少愚蠢一白天时代我使用吗?事实上,也许我曾经做的所有的是想一想我自己.当相像的七百万其它人们在行星上是在那里的时候,那个是多站不住脚.遗憾,遗憾.太快去.不过然后我想如果我从那里里面代替仅仅我关心另一七百万.那大概一我的时间的较好得多的使用.看是否我是Genovia的公主然后与我相比更聪明人们的我的想法和想法将好得多听和仅仅或许那些想法能被把转入行动.那样今天上午我醒来的我是Mia Thermopolis.但是现在我宁愿选择永远地是阿米莉娜木犀草Thermopolis Renaldi,Genovia的公主. 是什么句子啊