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  • 像个孤狗狼狈像个孤狗狼狈
  • 影视
  • 2023-09-25 05:24:01
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巴西狂欢节会吸引很多国家的人来参加一起跳桑巴舞。 只知道每年都会有,每次狂欢节都会有热情的巴西人围着火堆跳桑巴! 巴西的狂欢节是世界上最大的狂欢节,在每年2月中旬举办三天,盛大的桑巴舞。 巴西狂欢节的日期不固定,音乐,桑巴,酒精和彩绘是它的特色。 巴西就一个狂欢节主要是巴西各地的狂欢节不一样比较出名的是萨尔瓦多狂欢节,亚马孙丛林里的狂欢节,里约热内卢狂欢节 萨尔瓦多狂欢节 狂欢节为期四天,每年的2月中下旬举行。据说巴西狂欢节起源于15世纪的欧洲,当时的罗马教皇下令封斋期的前三天在教皇皇宫前举行庆祝活动。教徒们轻歌曼舞、手舞足蹈,整个罗马城沉浸在一片欢乐的海洋中 从此狂欢节被正式确定并在欧洲广为流传,后由葡萄牙人传入巴西。 里约热内卢的桑巴狂欢节 嘉年华...!!! 万圣节

The Enthusiastic Brazilian Carnival


The annual Carnival in Brazil is a unique festival. It is also the most important ethnic celebration. It comes between the end of February and the beginning of March every year. Hundreds of thousands of tourists from overseas were attracted to join the feast of rejoicing, which involves flamboyant1 costumes, sexy Brazilian girls and passionate Samba dance.


The earliest Carnival dates back to 1641, when the colonial rulers implemented a decree2. According to it, people would be encouraged to parade, dance and drink unrestrained to celebrate the birthday of the Portuguese King. More than three hundred years later, the Carnival has become the most important folk festival of Brazil.


On February 24th of this year, the “King Momo” dressed in bright orange, took the gold key of the city from the mayor3 of Rio De Janeiro, to signify the beginning of Carnival. During the following five days, the “King,” who plays a leading role in the Carnival, would throw out all daily routines, so that people could indulge4 themselves. The “King Momo” this year was a 33-year-old architect. His name was Alex de Oliveira.


“King Momo” is also known as “the King of Carnival.” He is hand-picked by Rio residents. There was once a rule that required the “King” to weigh no less than 100 kg. Today, there is a rule that the “King” shouldn't be heavier than 130 kg.


The main “course” of the carnival is the Samba dance. Months before the Carnival, some professional Samba schools will set out to compose music, rehearse5 dances and design costumes according to the current theme of the Carnival.


The Carnival is highlighted6 with the Samba competitions, where every Samba school would send thousands dancers to participate. Every school has 90 minutes to demonstrate their performance and have them graded by experts. The winner is given one million US dollars. Generally the tickets for the Samba competition would be sold out a month in advance.


Seven hundred thousand tourists swarmed the coastal city of Rio De Janeiro for Carnival. Whoever they are—poor or rich, celebrity or ordinary people—they are all just dancers, day and night. Happiness prevails7, while complaints disappear. Countless romantic stories occur during the celebrations, brightening everyone's dull daily life. In order to safeguard Carnival, the Brazilian government dispatched8 25 million free condoms to help prevent the spread of venereal diseases.

